Varun BankaUnlocking Your Android Phone’s Bootloader without a PC: A Beginner-Friendly GuideUnlocking the bootloader of an Android phone is an essential step towards customizing your device to your liking. It allows you to flash…Apr 22, 20231Apr 22, 20231
Alchemix FinanceElixir: The Alchemix Algorithmic Market OperatorWhen Alchemix was originally launched, we never anticipated our peg stability module, the Transmuter, to exceed 9 figures in value, with…Apr 11, 2022Apr 11, 2022
Alchemix FinanceAlchemix Balancer Migrator ToolAlchemix has developed a liquidity migration tool designed to facilitate the seamless transition of liquidity from any Sushiswap or Uniswap…Jun 27, 2023Jun 27, 2023
InAndroid DevelopersbyMurat YenerDatabase InspectorCreating and managing local databases is a core component of most mobile apps. But whether you’re using SQLite directly or through the…Apr 17, 202018Apr 17, 202018
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InProAndroidDevbySergii ZhukBest practices for Deeplinking in AndroidAll businesses aim to make their apps used by customers as often as possible. Make users return back to the application is always a…Nov 8, 20176Nov 8, 20176
InThe ControlbyKofi KufuorThe State of Crypto SecurityHackers have stolen more than $2B from crypto applications this year. The problem will only get worse as the crypto ecosystem grows and…Oct 4, 20221Oct 4, 20221
InWalletConnectbyLinda WittersWallet of the Week: CoolWalletTaking your first steps into web3 can be overwhelming, with a plethora of wallet choices at your fingertips. In our “Wallet of the Week”…Feb 2, 2023Feb 2, 2023
Burak BenligirayAPI3 Core Technical Team Report, June 2022We have released Airnode v0.7, which was a big update that both reworked parts of Airnode and implemented new features that we’re using…Jun 29, 2022Jun 29, 2022
Link3.ioLink3 V0.5 released: support .bit&ens displayRecently, Link3 V0.5 version was released, and you are welcome to experience it. According to the feedback from a large number of users…Nov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
InLevel Up CodingbyJohn VastolaYou Should Know Collaborative Filtering and Recommendation SystemsMaking Personalized Recommendations with Machine LearningDec 25, 2022Dec 25, 2022
IniOS Senior TipsbyBrahim SiempayiOS Project Structure Like a ProImproved code organization, separation of concerns, reusability, testingDec 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022
InAndroid DevelopersbyChris WarringtonNew APIs in the Android Gradle PluginCo-authored with Jerome DochezJul 29, 20208Jul 29, 20208
InOffchain LabsbyOffchain LabsIt’s time for a new dawn, Nova is open to the public!Tl;dr — Nova is now open to the public! Reddit is launching their community points system on Nova. Bridge to Nova here! Learn more about…Aug 9, 20221Aug 9, 20221
InCameron NokesbyCameron NokesThe 30-second guide to publishing a TypeScript package to NPMOriginally published on 8, 201821Mar 8, 201821
EZEKIAS BOKOVEDatabase migration using Cloud Seed.Setting up a CI pipeline for database migration with Cloud Seed (GitLab) on Cloud SQL …Nov 21, 2022Nov 21, 2022